NFWL Leadership Roles
NFWL Board of Directors – Legislator Director Positions
- Chair
- Chair Elect
- Immediate Past Chair (Bylaws Chair)
- Chair of Membership
- Co-Chair of Development
- Co-Chair of Policy
- Parliamentarian
- At Large DirectorsÂ
NFWL Committees
The Bylaws Committee: The Bylaws Committee shall (a) give consideration to any proposed amendment submitted by members within 30 days of the opening day of the Annual Conference; (b) be authorized to edit or correlate any proposed amendment; (c) submit proposed amendments as it deems necessary to the Board of Directors; (d) provide the Chair with a copy of its report prior to the Annual Conference; and (e) submit its report at the Annual Conference. The immediate past chair shall oversee the Bylaws Committee. The Bylaws Committee shall review the existing bylaws, recommend changes, present subsequent changes at the annual general membership meeting, and ensure the organization is in compliance with the bylaws.
The Development Committee:Â The Development Committee will be chaired by two members of the Board of Directors, one Elected Legislator Director and one corporate member. The Development Committee shall (a) oversee development and implementation of the Fundraising Plan; (b) identify and solicit funds from external sources of support; (c) ensure that 100 percent of the Board of Directors makes an annual monetary contribution to the Foundation; and (d) perform any other duties as deemed necessary by the Board of Directors to ensure the financial stability of the Foundation.
The Development Committee has oversight of the fundraising for NFWL and its programs, including the following responsibilities:
- Review the fundraising plan and tools
- Provide monthly review of the list of potential sponsors
- Make recommendations to the Executive Director for potential sponsors
- Reach out to corporations, associations, foundations and individuals for program underwriting
- Work with State Directors to assist them in their fundraising activities
- Attend meetings and calls of the committee
The Nominating Committee: The Nominating Committee shall consist of up to eight (8) members, including the Chair, and shall be appointed by the current Chair of the Board of Directors with input from the Chair of Membership and the State Directors. The Nominating Committee members shall be geographically diverse. The Nominating Committee shall present the Directors’ slate at the Annual Conference to be put to a membership vote. The nominating slate must be electronically shared with the membership 30 days in advance of the Annual Conference. The Nominating Committee will also work in conjunction with the Chair in appointing members to committees and Committee Chairs. The Nominating Committee is responsible for ensuring the proposed Board of Directors slate reflects the general membership to include geography, elected position, and party affiliation.
The Policy Committee:Â The Policy Committee will be chaired by two members of the Board of Directors, one Elected Legislator Director and one corporate member. The Policy Committee shall (a) make a recommendation to the Board of Directors as to which areas of policy the Foundation shall focus on; (b) be responsible for developing educational programs on policy issues; and (c) will engage policy partners.
Using their legislative experience and expertise on policy issues, Policy Committee members will:
- Remain informed on current state/local issues & develop policy areas of focus based on surveys of NFWL membership
- Identify shared legislation that would be beneficial for NFWL members to have access to
- Review, evaluate, and approve proposed resolutions to be presented at the Annual Conference
- Collaborate with NFWL policy staff in the development of policy programming
- Identify potential policy experts who can disseminate knowledge to NFWL members
The Programs Committee: The Nominating Committee shall appoint a Programs Committee Chair and committee members to be responsible for identifying, developing and implementing the Foundation’s programs. The Programs Committee will help identify, develop, and implement the Foundation’s programs.  This will mean helping to identify additional programs that would be beneficial to the members (Women’s History Month, Grab N Go Programming, Issue Summits, etc.), along with assisting in the implementation of these programs (recommending speakers, providing input for presentations, etc.).
State Directors & Regional State Directors (The Membership Committee)
State Directors & Regional State Directors (The Membership Committee):Â
The Membership Committee shall (a) be led by the Chair of Membership and composed of the State Directors, and (b) will direct its efforts toward increasing participation in the Foundation’s activities & programs. The Chair of membership shall oversee outreach to all elected women eligible for Women Legislators Membership, serve as the chair of the membership committee and oversee the Nominating Committee and State Directors.
State Directors
A. As a State Director, you are an official member of the Membership Committee
B. Actively participate in the Membership Committee Conference Calls
C. Coordinate with your Co-State Director to actively reach out to elected women across the state, on both sides of the aisle, and on both local and state levels of government
D. Actively market NFWL programs to women in your state
E. Recruit elected women in your state to come to the Annual Conference
F. Set a goal of bringing 5-10 women to the conference from your state
G. Raise sponsorships in your state for the Annual Conference. Target $5,000 or more. Potential fundraising opportunities include: Campaign Funds, Leadership PAC’s, Corporations, State Appropriations or Grants
H. Let us know of potential conference sponsors you may have in your state
I.  Help identify legislation (passed or introduced) and/or elected women sponsoring legislation addressing a current issue of regional or national importance, to include in our Shared Legislation Program
Regional State Directors **In addition to the responsibilities listed above of state directors**
A. Lead outreach and recruitment for new members & State Directors in targeted states.
- West: Alaska, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming
- Southwest: Arizona, Hawaii, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas
- Midwest: Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Ohio, Wisconsin
- Northeast: Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont, D.C.
- Southeast: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia
B. Assist NFWL State Directors when needed and serve as temporary State Director in states that do not currently have a state director. (see state director role description)
C. Use your national network of elected women, to recruit for the Annual Conference – target at least 10 attendees outside of your state.
D. Let us know of potential conference sponsors you may have in your region