In an era of heightened economic uncertainty, state governments are facing unpredictable revenue as well as rising health care, education, and infrastructure costs. At the same time, state policymakers confront the impact of COVID-19, facing unprecedented levels of uncertainty about the resources they have—and will need—to protect residents, maintain critical services, and limit the economic damage.

How policymakers choose to confront these challenges will affect states and the nation for years to come. Through both research and advocacy, The Pew Charitable Trusts provides data, analysis, and guidance to help states navigate these fiscal challenges and identify potential policy approaches. Pew’s State Fiscal Health project examines key trends in state finances and evaluates states on their performance, underscoring effective approaches and creating an environment for potential reform.

Below is a list of helpful links and resources produced by Pew’s State Fiscal Health project on various state fiscal issues, including the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

How Using Rainy Day Funds Affects State Credit Ratings

Budget Stress Tests Can Help States Manage the Pandemic’s Fiscal Impact

3 Steps States Can Take to Strengthen Localities’ Fiscal Health

How COVID-19 is driving big job losses in state and local government

States Contemplate Borrowing to Help Manage Pandemic’s Fiscal Impact

What the Emerging Economic Data Is Telling Us About Jobs and the Eventual Recovery in States

How States Can Forecast the Impact of COVID-19 on Their Budgets

Why Business Incentives May Not Speed State Economic Recoveries

How States Can Design Effective Tax Incentive Evaluation Plans

Rural Response to Coronavirus Could Be Hampered by Years of Population Loss

How States Use Annual Caps to Control Tax Incentive Costs

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