About NFWL
The greatest rising force in American politics today is not a political party, nor is it a lobbying community. It is women.
Since 1971, the number of women serving in state legislatures has more than quintupled. Today they hold 2,469 or 33.4% of the 7,386 seats nationwide. Currently, 26 women serve in the US Senate and 125 serve in the US House of Representatives, while 96 women hold statewide elective office. Of those, there are 12 women Governors, 23 Lt. Governors, 10 Attorneys General and 12 Secretaries of State.
From Washington, DC to local city councils, women are making a big difference in politics and how our country is run. Women chair numerous committees, they influence policy and they understand the importance of building bipartisan coalitions in support of the nation’s most pressing concerns to ensure widespread change in both thought and policy on a variety of issues.
That’s where the National Foundation for Women Legislators comes in!
Our Mission
is to provide strategic resources to elected women for leadership development, exchange of diverse legislative ideas, and effective governance through conferences, state outreach, educational materials, professional and personal relationships, and networking. We encourage the election and/or appointment of women to public office.
Our Vision
is to empower and inspire elected women to become thought leaders who shape America’s future.
Since 1938, NFWL has served as a forum for elected women from across the country to be empowered through information and experience. As the oldest organization for elected women in America and the ONLY one that includes women on the city, county and state levels, we encourage our members to take leadership roles and form connections across the aisle. We know that only by working together, can we achieve our goals. Since we do not have dues, the over 5,000 elected women in the US on the state, county and municipal levels are considered members, receive our communications and are invited to participate in our programs. NFWL is a non-partisan 501c3, educational foundation for elected women on the state, county, and municipal levels.